This site started off as a blog, which I created to express my own personal style. To me, style has little to do with the clothes that you wear, and more to do with your lifestyle and personality. It is not about people asking where your shoes are from but them noticing how you present yourself. Style is about concepts, photography, outfits and inspiration. It is how you live your life and the choices you make, whether they be your attitude that day or what you decided to wear in the morning. It reflects your inspiration in all aspects of life, down to the pictures posted on your Tumblr.
To be able to truly have your own personal style, you must be confident and comfortable with the person that you are and choices that you make. Nothing in the world is a better representation of yourself, from the answers you give, to the clothes you wear, to the things that inspire you everyday. My personal style is something that I truly cherish and wear with pride, and that is why I created this site, to share with others the style that I have accumulated thus far, to serve as a muse and provide inspiration to others. I hope you enjoy. I'll leave you with these ideas to keep in mind when contemplating your own personal style:
Fashion fades; style is eternal. YSL
CHANEL is first and foremost a style. Fashion goes out if fashion: style, never. Gabrielle Chanel