I've always wanted to start a blog. I wanted to have something where I could share all of the pictures I love, places I've been, and interesting things I've seen. While it may sound obnoxious, I wasn't worried about my content. That's not what I was afraid of. What I wanted so desperately was instant gratification; to know immediately that what I was putting out there had a purpose and a meaning and that it was interesting enough for people to want to come back for more.
But I didn't really give it a chance. Instead of allowing my blog to grow and blossom, I became discouraged when I hadn't reached a certain milestone by a specific date. So I stopped. I became too focused on all of the hype of social media. The ever famous bloggers turned moguls. The Instagram madness. The millions of followers and fake likes. I saw the good, the bad, and the ugly and I wanted all of it.
After a while, I stopped posting all together. No blog, no Instagram, no nothing. And that's when I realized what I truly missed. Not the seeing how many likes I could get on my Instagram selfie. Or how many people would comment on my blog post. But actually writing. Actually being able to talk like this online. Posting beautiful pictures on Instagram. And even the silly. Like hilariously dumb memes about Justin bieber. Or this one shot of my outfit that took 100 tries to get perfect because I finally took off my sweatpants and put on some real clothes. That's what I missed.
And that's why I'm back.
I'm here to remind myself why I started doing this in the first place. And what makes me smile. And maybe, just maybe, to remind some other people of that too. That while a lot of likes and comments may seem like the end goal, what is really the most valuable is doing something you and enjoy and sharing it with others.
Hope to see you guys soon!